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- Newsgroups: alt.paranormal,alt.paranet.psi,alt.astrology,sci.skeptic,alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo
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- From: taranr <>
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- Reply-To: (taranr)
- Organization: AT&T Global Information Solutions
- X-Newsreader: DiscussIT for MS Windows [AT&T Software Products Division]
- References: <31C055C5.7F84@mail.sdsu.edu>
- Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 13:34:16 GMT
- Lines: 58
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.paranormal:19452 alt.paranet.psi:5446 alt.astrology:50415 sci.skeptic:71531 alt.alien.visitors:87568 alt.paranet.ufo:53104
- ==========Edmond Wollmann, 6/13/96==========
- Brian Zeiler wrote:
- >
- > taranr wrote:
- >
- > > I understand that if proof of ET were obtained that many feel this would
- > > result in such panic that the wall street would collapse.
- >
- > I talked about this with some people in the grad office a few months ago,
- > and we didn't agree with this. If anything happened, it would dip for
- > two hours and come back. I don't think most people feel threatened by
- > aliens, at least not people with money to invest. Personally, I think
- > aerospace and defense companies would surge, along with the dollar. The
- > bond market would crash only if it was released in the next two days
- > since people probably sold bonds on news that the Bulls lost last night.
- > Generally, I don't think bonds would be affected. I don't think it would
- > have much of any impact on the markets, really.
- >
- > --
- > Brian Zeiler
- The GOVERNMENTAL structures would be the ones to suffer. Because
- governments are created by the populace to take responsibility and
- control for things that populace is unwilling to.This giving away of
- power is what they thrive on. And if the populace were to become aware of
- ET's and the fact that they have no economic structure, governmental
- structure and vibrate at a higher level because they are willing to know
- themselves as much as possible, this would change power structures
- dramatically (which are the same really as the economic structures) when
- individuals began to realize this illusion of powerlessness and put all
- of those who weild power through the populace' delusions of powerlessness
- out of a job! They are protecting themselves, has it ever been any
- different historically? The truth makes men free, this is something the
- master fears most. But the destructurization of governments has already
- begun, because they cannot control the inner self. It is the belief in
- power over others that they fear will change.
- Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
- --
- ⌐ 1996 Astrological Consulting/Altair Publications
- http://home.aol.com/ewollmann
- Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
- PO Box 221000 San Diego, CA. 92192-1000
- (619)453-2342 e-mail wollmann@mail.sdsu.edu
- Are you saying that people would lose their sense of nationalism and our
- government fears a loss of support for the government? You may be right.
- Without any doubt, the military would love to have such technology, but maybe
- their is a bigger picture. There would have to be some panic I would imagin,
- considering during the War of the Worlds broadcast, someone in New Jersey shot
- a watertower because they thought it was an alien. But then again, it was in
- New Jersey wasn't it?
- -Bob Tarantino